Check-in at the airport went slowly, but smoothly. I was flying on Asiana Airlines for the first time, so I had no idea what to expect. I was happy to discover that Asiana is almost as good as Korean Air (which is the best airline I have ever flown on). We had a pleasant, drama-free flight which wound up being half an hour shorter than scheduled. The airlines back in the US skimp wherever possible on service; you're lucky to get a small beverage and a minuscule bag of pretzels anymore (Southwest and Spirit being the two exceptions). Not so on Asiana! Our three-hour flight included a very pleasant in-flight meal. Since I didn't have time for dinner, I was quite grateful.
I was shocked and delighted to learn that my luggage had successfully made it to Manila without damage. Customs was a breeze, although the sight of all the soldiers and guards bearing ominous-looking weapons was a bit unsettling. I found a taxi, and we were off! Then came a problem: apparently, the hotel I picked was located in the middle of nowhere, resulting in the taxi driver getting lost at 1:00 am. When we finally made it to the Garden Plaza Hotel, I was dismayed to learn that their photographs online were a bit deceptive.
The hotel was located in a scary-looking part of town where I knew for certain I would not be taking any walks. Inside, it was much older and more run-down than I had expected from the photographs. The staff and the cockroaches were both very friendly, and the room was huge, but it was also more than a little bit creepy. In the photographs I took, it looks nicer than it really was. Overall, for the price, it was perfectly adequate, but I don't think I would stay there again.
Among the amenities of the room were a thoroughly confusing shower, an AC unit that shuddered worse than Katharine Hepburn in her older years, a refrigerator that didn't work, and an odd kitchen-area featuring numerous cupboards and another refrigerator that didn't work. The entire room smelled eerily like anesthetic, as though it were a hospital room. Still, at least it was quiet.
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