1. I resolve to earn straight A's in my graduate classes. Since C's are the same as F's in the history MA program, and B's are the equivalent of C's, I need top marks if I want any prestige at all. Also, I am determined to have two honor cords when I graduate with my MA: a Phi Alpha Theta cord (which I earned as an undergraduate) and a Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude cord.
2. I resolve to lose the appropriate amount of weight to make it into the ROTC program, and to attain the physique necessary to not only pass, but excel in the physical tests.
3. I resolve to actually read my graduate textbooks, rather than skimming like I usually did as an undergrad.
4. I resolve to spend more time in daily devotions, since I am horrible about reserving time for them on a daily basis.
5. While we're on the subject of time, I also resolve to improve my time management skills. I waste far too much time, so I am forcing myself to be more disciplined, and to live according to schedule.
6. I resolve not to fall into the same habit of procrastination that I had as an undergraduate. I am not going to put papers off until the night before they're due anymore - I'm too old for that level of stress!
7. I resolve to work harder on maintaining a five or six meal per day diet. My doctor has repeatedly told me that I need to do so, as my blood sugar is so low, particularly at night. I need to cut my portion sizes and eat more often, so that I keep my hypoglycemia under control. I do not want to wind up diabetic, like several of my relatives have.
8. I resolve to keep better hours and get enough sleep in grad school. No more all-night study sessions, like I did as an undergrad! Also, I will not fall into the habit of popping caffeine pills to make up for lack of sleep. I spent my last semester of college doing that, and it wrecked havoc on my migraines.
9. I resolve to make time for Jasper to have a walk at least every other day. Being a small dog, he does not require a great deal of exercise, but I know that I have not been giving him as many walks as I should. More walks will keep him happier and healthier, and I'm sure will serve as a good stress reliever for me.
10. I resolve to get more involved. As an undergrad, I studied and researched, and had absolutely no social life. I missed out on a lot of activities that would have been fun and/or meaningful, with the result that I often fell into periods of lonely melancholy. This time around, I'm going to force myself to go out at least once per month. I'm also going to look for a volunteer activity that I can devote a few hours to each month (I know that sounds shamefully small, but considering the amount of time-consuming graduate work I will have, a few hours a month is the most that I can give).

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