Yes, I celebrated my dog's birthday. Yes, he got presents.
Crazy? Well, let's consider why before anyone begins to judge me:
Jasper has been with me since my days in Korea. He kept me from going crazy when I lived alone. Now that I have a roommate, he keeps us both in stitches, makes us takes breaks from studying when we ought to but are inclined not to, and keeps us both company while we read. He offers me his favorite toys (and himself) whenever I don't feel well. He licks my sore, sweaty feet when I come home, exhausted, after a day full of classes or errands. He rests his head on my arm or the side of my computer when I type. He greets every visitor as though they were his long-lost best friend. He treats my coming home as if it were a holiday each time. Jasper makes me go out and enjoy the sunny weather, and keeps me active when I'd rather be lazy. He alleviates any desire for cable with his numerous antics. He dutifully serves in the roles of vacuum sweeper, court jester, psychologist, nurse, companion, personal trainer, foot warmer, masseuse, night guard, doorman, food taster, garbage disposal, and alarm clock -- and asks for nothing in return.
Yes, Jasper deserved to have his birthday celebrated. It was the least I could do.
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