Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lately at "While We're Paused"

On the LHP blog, I have started a new series about lesser known works written by beloved authors.  It seemed fitting to start the series with one of the most influential authors of my childhood, Lucy Maud Montgomery.  No, I didn't talk about Anne of Green Gables.  Instead, I discussed her very beautiful WWI story, Rilla of Ingleside (a novel about Anne's youngest daughter).  To read my article, click HERE.

Be sure to check the LHP blog every Sunday for my weekly articles.  This coming Sunday, I'll be talking about Charles Dickens' classic, The Old Curiosity Shop.  If you haven't read it, you need to!

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"Passage—immediate passage! the blood burns in my veins! Away, O soul! hoist instantly the anchor!
Cut the hawsers—haul out—shake out every sail!
Have we not stood here like trees in the ground long enough?
Have we not grovell’d here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes?
Have we not darken’d and dazed ourselves with books long enough?

Sail forth! steer for the deep waters only!
Reckless, O soul, exploring, I with thee, and thou with me;
For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go, And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all.

O my brave soul!
O farther, farther sail!
O daring joy, but safe! Are they not all the seas of God?
O farther, farther, farther sail!"

~Walt Whitman, "Passage to India"