My ankle is a little smaller today, but still pretty swollen. It REALLY hurts. Especially since I live on the fourth floor, and also have to climb stairs at school. I can understand why animals sometimes bite off their limbs after an injury. I briefly considered that alternative earlier today. Cate was very sweet, offering to take me to either a doctor or a massage place. I turned her down though. I have injured this ankle so many times that I know exactly how to treat it, and despite the pain, it really didn't get hurt that badly last night.
What a day I had yesterday! I thought about it this morning as I stood on one foot to brush my teeth in my honeysuckle-scented bathroom. Days like that suck, but they do turn into very amusing stories later. And, on the positive side, the nice English-speaking taxi driver taught me how to correctly pronounce the area where I live, so I can get home from downtown easier in the future. Also, I now know the location of four American fast food restaurants, in case I ever lose my mind and decide I need to clog a few arteries.

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