There are only four students in my E3-D class (third grade level), which is part of why I love that class so much. Perry, Gene, Lucy, and Emily are four of my best students; they are lovable, smart, eager, and downright funny. Every day with them is a pleasure because they try so hard and enjoy every activity or game that I plan for them. As a result, I teach better, and leave class each day feeling pleased not only with them, but also with myself.

Emily and Lucy are eight and the boys are nine. The girls insist on carrying my supplies to class for me each day, and then Perry usually carries them back after class. After class, the girls always wipe the board for me. Is it any wonder I love these kids?

In case you're curious, that two-fingered sign you see all the kids doing is not a peace sign (like in the USA); it's the "V for Victory" sign from WWII. Apparently, Koreans liked it so much they decided to keep doing it! Almost every picture you see of Koreans has at least one person making the victory sign.

Perry and Gene, my goofy boys.
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