Here, for the enjoyment of my faithful readers, is a collection of some amusing things I have photographed here in Korea. I hope they make you smile!

Seoul airport. You can just imagine how hard it was to figure out where to go to get my bags!

A modern art exhibit, also in Seoul airport. I'll bet my dad would love to have this bed, which is made out of television sets!

The buttons on my Korean washer. Is it any wonder I was nervous the first time I did laundry here?

Just a nice, wholesome children's book (my Aunt Diane would LOVE this one)!

This is a trashcan that I saw in a restroom. I have no idea what the author intended the little story to mean!

This is actually a bar downtown (no, Grandma, I didn't go in).

Awesome sign at the Corner Cafe, the cutest coffee shop in Gyeongju.
1 comment:
Great pictures from Korea
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