The day did not get off to the greatest of starts. Owing to a marathon that was being run today, I got to the bus terminal (where I was to meet Clare) almost ten minutes late. I looked around, and couldn't find Clare anywhere. I waited and waited as twenty minutes slipped by, convinced that something had gone wrong and I would be spending the day alone back at my apartment. Then Clare came breathlessly running over, also having been delayed by the marathon. Boy was I relieved to see her!
We took the bus to Yangdong for 1,000 won (less than one dollar). It was a scenic ride through countryside, surrounded by mountains. I don't know how I'll ever be happy living elsewhere after being so thoroughly spoiled by all this Korean beauty!

After spending the day in Yangdong, we decided to hitch-hike home rather than wait for the bus. We got lucky on our first attempt, and the very friendly driver took us all the way back to Dongchundong, which is exactly where we wanted to be. On the way back we passed by our friend Nina, so we called and invited her to join us for bing soo (the yummiest food in the world). It had started to rain a little, so we took a cab downtown and then went to Dark Black Chocolate, a fantastic coffee cafe. There I indulged in the best mochaccino ever, followed by fruit bing soo, which was even better than I had remembered. Afterwards, the three of us did some shopping downtown before finally parting ways at about 10:00.

When I got home, I called my dad and told him of an important decision I have made regarding my future. I asked him to go ahead and sell my car, because I have no intention of living in the US again for at least a few more years. I don't know if I'll stay in Korea that long (although the idea is really appealing), but certainly I am going to stay abroad. This world is just too big and too full of wonderful places for me to move back to America any time soon.
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